These are the 3 beautiful singers who were bothered by the flirtation of Raúl Velasco

Throughout his career as host of “Always on Sunday”, Raul Velasco he was the greatest man powerful of the world of show Mexican. Many artists were launched to fame by the driver, but many others saw their careers buried. It is that Velasco had earned the nickname of “villain”, but not only that had the controversial driver. He was also involved in some alleged harassment scandals, as happened with these three beautiful singers That bothered with the comments of iconic driver of “Always on Sunday”.

Pauline Rubio

In 1992, “the golden girl” was launched as a soloist after leaving the group “Timbiriche”, and like most artists of the moment, he had to present his album in “Siempre en Domingo”, Raul Velasco He was very enthusiastic about projecting the career of Paulina Rubio, whom he had known since they were just a girl. At the end of his presentation Paulina, the controversial presenter gave him a uncomfortable comment to the singer.

We want to give thanks to the writer of this write-up for this remarkable material

These are the 3 beautiful singers who were bothered by the flirtation of Raúl Velasco