Stephen King has enjoyed a new Prime Video series full of fog and suspense

During 2022, Stephen King He was one of our regular “recommenders” when talking about movies and series. The writer from Maine has a predilection for talking on social networks about the productions that he has liked, even when they do not have to do with a book yours.

In general, many of Stephen King’s recommendations have had to do with Netflixwhere the author has a good collection of adaptations both in serial format and in movies like Mr. Harrigan’s phone number.

This time, however, the writer set aside your viewing of Netflix and take the opportunity to recommend a series of Amazon Prime Video It could well have been related to a certain book of his that has already had two audiovisual adaptations.

We refer to The platform (The Rig)the Prime Video series about a group of oil rig workers who are cut off from the outside world when the structure is shrouded in a mysterious fog.

Stephen King loves fog, and he doesn’t hide it

The first allusion to The Platform was made by bev vincentauthor of book Stephen King: A Complete Exploration of His Work, Life, and Influences. The writer points out that he almost passed up viewing The Platform due to some negative comments.

However, Vincent ends by noting that the series has fascinated him with its environmental message and its elaborate construction. Stephen King quotes his tweet and accompanies it with his “seal of approval.”

Among the upcoming adaptations of Stephen King we have the new movie of Salem’s Lotwhich will presumably arrive this year, or the adaptation of The Talismanwhich will feature the creators of stranger thingsthe duffer brothers.

At 75 years old, Stephen King is still a very active figure on social networks and a source of inspiration for hundreds of authors both on paper and in audiovisuals.

We would love to give thanks to the writer of this short article for this remarkable content

Stephen King has enjoyed a new Prime Video series full of fog and suspense