Endeavor celebrated the multiple achievements of 25 years of activity

It has been 25 years of supporting entrepreneurs capable of multiplying results and inspiring others to follow the fruitful path of contributing to economic development. Endeavor reached a milestone in its activity around the world in which it gave impetus and support to 2,200 people determined to undertake various activities for the benefit of society, which translated into businesses for an amount of 42 billion dollars in annual turnover in 2021, as well as the creation of 3.4 million direct jobs.

These achievements were celebrated and highlighted at the meeting held by Endeavor Uruguay at Latu -which was transformed by Nelson Mancebo into an ideal place to host the event-, and was highlighted by the presence of the President of the Republic, Luis Lacalle Pou , ministers, government officials, businessmen from various walks of life and representatives of the information media.

The 800 people who attended had the opportunity to listen to a message from the Microsoft executive, Sebastián Lancestremere, who focused on the challenges posed by new technologies, and valued what has been achieved to date. The orientation and commitment to continue contributing to the growth of entrepreneurs in various nations and to act to forge prosperous societies in a creative and peaceful climate are ratified.

The CEO of Endeavor, Analía Migues in the opening message of the gala to welcome and thank all the guests. Photo: Leonardo Mainé.
The CEO of Endeavor, Analía Migues in the opening message of the gala to welcome and thank all the guests. Photo: Leonardo Mainé.
Sergio Fogel, Julia Rodríguez Larreta, Luis Lacalle Pou, Eduardo Mangarelli, Beatriz Argimon and Analía Migues. Photo: Leonardo Mainé.
Sergio Fogel, Julia Rodríguez Larreta, Luis Lacalle Pou, Eduardo Mangarelli, Beatriz Argimon and Analía Migues. Photo: Leonardo Mainé.
Gabriel Sanchís, Dr. Guillermo Scheck, Arch. Álvaro Sorrondeguy, Arch. Cecilia Igorra, Patricia Damiani, Guillermo Maciel, Arch. Martín Gómez Platero and Andrés Ameglio. Photo: Leonardo Mainé.
Gabriel Sanchís, Dr. Guillermo Scheck, Arch. Álvaro Sorrondeguy, Arch. Cecilia Igorra, Patricia Damiani, Guillermo Maciel, Arch. Martín Gómez Platero and Andrés Ameglio.
In its quarter of a century of activity, Endeavor brought together more than 800 people to assess the results obtained and signal its commitment to continue acting in support of entrepreneurs and the community.
Endeavor brought together more than 800 people to assess the results obtained and signal its commitment to continue acting in support of entrepreneurs and the community.
A message about technological changes in a new world. Microsoft executive Sebastián Lancestremere speaks to the 800 guests at the Endeavor celebration.
Microsoft executive Sebastián Lancestremere speaks to the 800 guests at the Endeavor celebration. Photo: Leonardo Mainé.

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Endeavor celebrated the multiple achievements of 25 years of activity