Diary of a Gigolo: Who Killed Ana? This is the explained ending of the Netflix series

Netflix is betting on new Latin American projects, that is why the creation of the series “The Diary of a Gigolo” marked history on the streaming platform, as it was a collaboration with Telemundo that sought to attract viewers to the world of streaming.

This series tells the story of Emanuel, a gigolo who, after having lived a difficult childhood, decides to exploit his body to please his clients.

One day, his most frequent client (Ana), asks the young man to help his daughter (Julia) get over her father’s death. Although the Gigolo initially did not want to accept this offer, he was forced to accept it after seeing the state of his debts, however, Emanuel never expected to fall in love with Julia.

If you have already finished watching this controversial series of Netflixtoday in Gluc.mx we tell you all the details you missed final of season, which will make you want to see the series again.

Ending of “Diary of a Gigolo”, explained

The season finale of “Diary of a Gigolo” begins when Julia confesses to Emanuel that she killed Ana, because as Julia explained, one night before being operated on she had a revelation about her father’s death and needed to see Ana. Emanuel.

Ana escaped from the psychiatric hospital where she was hospitalized, but when she arrived at Emmanuel’s house, she found her mother naked, which shocked the young woman.

Mother and Daughter start a strong argument in Emmanuel’s room, however, the Gigolo is unaware of Julia’s presence in his house.

Ana ends up revealing Emmanuel’s secret and finally confesses to her daughter that she was the one who sent Emmanuel so that in this way, the young woman could overcome her father’s death.

Julia is stunned by this news, since she had previously been notified of Emmanuel’s intentions, but she did not want to see the truth of things.

Blinded by fury, Julia takes a sculpture from Emmanuel’s bureau and begins beating her mother to the point where she murders her in the Gigolo’s room.

We would like to thank the author of this post for this incredible material

Diary of a Gigolo: Who Killed Ana? This is the explained ending of the Netflix series