Tina Fey hits out at Mean Girls complaints: ‘This is why we can’t have nice things’

Tina Fey hits out at Mean Girls complaints ‘This is

Get our free weekly email for all the latest cinematic news from our film critic Clarisse Loughrey Get our The Life Cinematic email for free Tina Fey has called out TikTok users who have been complaining about the Mean Girls movie musical, saying “this is why we can’t have nice things”. The comedian, 53, was … Read more

Are both ‘Mean Girls’ set in the same universe? Tina Fey’s polka dot shirt might be a clue

Are both Mean Girls set in the same universe Tina

At a glance, the blouses look almost identical. But the short-sleeve, navy blue polka dot top with a white collar that Tina Fey wears in the 2024 “Mean Girls” is not the same shirt she wears in the 2004 original. Instead, it’s one of a few subtle homages between the movies released 20 years apart, … Read more

Golden Globes’ most shocking moments! From Jeremy Renner’s ‘creepy’ jibe at Jennifer Lopez’s bust to Renee Zellweger’s ill-timed bathroom break and THAT Leonardo DiCaprio joke by Tina Fey and Amy Poehler

Golden Globes most shocking moments From Jeremy Renners creepy jibe

The Golden Globes mark the glittering start of awards season in Hollywood – and is known as the most raucous of ceremonies. The show has served up its fair share of shock moments – from Jeremy Renner’s ‘creepy’ jibe about Jennifer Lopez’s ‘globes’ in her lowcut dress in 2015 to Renee Zellweger nearly missing her chance … Read more

Raquel Welch, Matthew Perry, Tina Turner, Sinead O’Connor: La lista de los actores y cantantes que dijeron adiós en 2023 | Gente | Entretenimiento

Raquel Welch Matthew Perry Tina Turner Sinead OConnor La lista

Cuando restan pocos días para que finalice el 2023 hay quienes esperan con ansias la llegada de un nuevo año, con metas por cumplir y objetivos que alcanzar, pero también están quienes recuerdan con nostalgia a las grandes figuras de la música y la televisión que dijeron adiós antes de llegar al 2024. Medios como … Read more

Tina Kunakey riposte avec glamour après la trahison de Vincent Cassel à Bidart, une photo révèle tout

Tina Kunakey riposte avec glamour apres la trahison de Vincent

Tina Kunakey ne se laisse pas abattre après les récentes photos de Vincent Cassel avec une mystérieuse brune dans une boîte de nuit à Bidart, dans le sud-ouest de la France, qui ont laissé supposer une possible trahison. La jeune maman de la petite Amazonie a décidé de riposter de manière très sexy en posant … Read more

Tina Kunakey : Un nouvel amour dévoilé à Ibiza ! Vincent Cassel sous choc ! (Photo)

Tina Kunakey Un nouvel amour devoile a Ibiza

Le cœur de Vincent Cassel vacille alors que son ex-femme, Tina Kunakey, aurait déjà trouvé un nouveau souffle à sa vie sentimentale ! Après des mois de spéculations et de rumeurs sur l’état de leur relation, voire sur leur éventuelle séparation, la séduisante brune a finalement officialisé leur rupture. Elle a fait une apparition publique … Read more

Escapade estivale de Tina Kunakey : Qui l’accompagne après sa rupture avec Vincent Cassel ? (Photo)

Escapade estivale de Tina Kunakey Qui laccompagne apres sa

Tina Kunakey, la triste séparation avec Vincent Cassel confirmée :ces personnes avec lesquelles elle est partie en vacances ? Après sa séparation avec Vincent Cassel au printemps dernier, Tina Kunakey a décidé de prendre du temps pour elle en partant en vacances avec son père et son frère Zakari. Le magazine Voici avait d’abord rapporté … Read more

Vincent Cassel: New love chapter after Tina Kunakey? The ambiguous details

Vincent Cassel New love chapter after Tina Kunakey The ambiguous

If Tina Kunakey seems to have turned the page on Vincent Cassel, as revealed by Closer magazine, it would seem that the emeritus actor is also following the same path. Displaying a dazzling form and a radiant smile during his vacation, Vincent Cassel does not seem tormented by the crisis with the mother of his … Read more

Vincent Cassel and Tina Kunakey: the details of their breakup revealed, the reason that separated them!

Vincent Cassel and Tina Kunakey the details of their breakup

The reason for the break between Vincent Cassel and Tina Kunakey was revealed by Here, and fed this month of July by the magazine Closer. It could be the actor’s overloaded schedule. Friction was fueled last March. Since last spring, tensions were palpable within the couple.And as reported Here, information finally confirmed by Closer, the … Read more

Tina Kunakey, neglected by Vincent Cassel, comforted by an ex of Kylian Mbappé, unexpected statement

Tina Kunakey neglected by Vincent Cassel comforted by an

Abandoned lately by Vincent Cassel, as reported by the magazine Here, Tina Kunakey was able to count on a beautiful statement from an ex of Kylian Mbappé. In the front row of the Jacquemus parade at the Palace of Versailles, Tina Kunakey, neglected by Vincent Cassel lately, receives a beautiful statement from Rose Bertram, an … Read more