Almost 100-year-old Mel Brooks opens up on channel and reveals the sources of his comedic DNA

Almost 100 year old Mel Brooks opens up on channel and reveals

Sergio Andréu Barcelona, ​​June 5 This June, the comedian, screenwriter, director, producer and musician Mel Brooks turns 97, a living history of North American “showbusiness”, author of classics such as “El jovencito Frankenstein”, by whom “Todo sobre mí! “, a hilarious autobiography that reveals his creative DNA. A New Yorker from Brooklyn, born into a … Read more

Music festivals, new sources of data for the promotion of the local tourism sector

Joker 2 6 films in which Lady Gaga has acted

Both public bodies and private entities are betting on the hiring of specialized profiles in big data and use this analysis to obtain key parameters that allow the analysis of tourism growth in areas such as the Valencian Community, Andalusia or the Region of Murcia Music festivals and sporting events that bring together thousands of … Read more

Music festivals become data sources for tourism promotion – Smart Travel News

DirecTV confirms that it eliminates EWTN from its programming from

Posted on July 13, 2022 Music festivals and sporting events that bring together thousands of people in a few days have become the largest source of data to analyze, as well as a tourist focus that generates significant impacts on the cities and regions where they are held. The access systems implemented in these events, … Read more