Atriz que fez Primrose, irmã de Katniss em Jogos Vorazes, cresceu e estrelou filme com Bruce Willis; veja como está Willow Shields hoje

Atriz que fez Primrose irma de Katniss em Jogos Vorazes

Irmã mais nova de Katniss Everdeen continuou na TV após a saga. Com o retorno do universo de Jogos Vorazes ao cinema, é impossível não se lembrar da cena que deu início à saga de Jennifer Lawrence nas telas em 2012: a aventura de Katniss começa quando ela decide se voluntariar para os jogos no … Read more

Bradley Cooper: Τι είπε για το περιστατικό με την κρίση της Brooke Shields – Marie Claire

Bradley Cooper Τι είπε για το περιστατικό με την κρίση

Photo by Roy Rochlin/Getty Images for Netflix Ένας υποστηρικτικός φίλος αποδείχθηκε ο Bradley Cooper, μετά την περιπέτεια υγείας που είχε η Brooke Shields τον περασμένο Σεπτέμβριο. Ο πρωταγωνιστής του Maestro μίλησε στα Gotham Awards, αφού η συνάδελφός του τον αποκάλεσε «φύλακα άγγελο» της σε δηλώσεις της νωρίτερα μέσα στον Νοέμβριο, όταν αποκάλυψε ότι ήταν στο … Read more

Brooke Shields vs. Randal Kleiser, director of The Blue Lagoon

Brooke Shields vs Randal Kleiser director of The Blue Lagoon

Prodigy girl, Brooke Shields She grew up, like so many others, in the public eye, although, in her case, her beginnings were marked by the sexualization of her person with that of her parents, who today she claims for not having taken care of her in her childhood through her revealing documentary Brooke Shields: Pretty … Read more

The controversial film that starred Brooke Shields and was harshly criticized and censored

Brooke Shields She is one of the most memorable actresses in Hollywood. Despite the fact that her career does not shine as she knew how to do during the 80s and 90s, the actress has been part of great productions and has been able to stay current both in the industry and in the minds … Read more