Even a Broken Ankle Couldn’t Stop the Action God, Jackie Chan Did the Scary Stunt, Which Sent Him to Hospital, Again With the Help of a Specially Designed Shoe – FandomWire

Even a Broken Ankle Couldnt Stop the Action God Jackie

Jackie Chan’s claim to fame was the crazy edge-of-the-seat action sequences mixed with his physical comedy. Establishing a solid spot in the hearts of American audiences, Chan became their favorite family-friendly action star. However, the stunts choreographed and performed by Jackie Chan himself, especially in his earlier days in the industry, were anything but safe. … Read more

The seven ‘scary’ scenarios for Almería’s Night in Black

Spirits and ghosts, and everything from beyond that can be related to the paranormal, will invade the darkest night of the year, wishing to return to the streets of Almería capital, after two years in which these beings, like the souls, have waiting for free times from the really terrifying pandemic. They are already on … Read more

Terrifier 2: This is the movie that is causing blackouts in theaters for being so scary

DirecTV confirms that it eliminates EWTN from its programming from

The acclaimed saga of horror movies “terrier“has returned to the big screen with an experience that has been classified as “hard to watch” and only suitable for the public and more courageous, fainting, vomiting and people fleeing the movie theater have been recorded when the film is shown. “Terrifier 2” is the sequel to the … Read more

What to watch if you like ‘Smile’: 3 terrifying movies with curses and supernatural evil forces available in streaming for a scary night

What to watch if you like Smile 3 terrifying movies

Very few saw it coming and it is becoming the sensation of the horror genre of the moment. With an effective campaign, a fabulous execution and a good word of mouth (or smile to ear) we are witnessing how ‘Smile‘ is becoming quite a sensation. Again, the key is how well he executes his ideas … Read more

Netflix: Scary movie recommendations for fans of these stories

Led Zeppelin reveal images of the Los Angeles concert in

There are many movies and this is good because there is diversity for all tastes. With them we cry, learn, laugh, know and even grow. But they are also fictional entertainment, escapism and distraction; It all depends on what movie it is. The horror genre has many fans and there is something charged with adrenaline … Read more

Zoë Kravitz regrets responding to Will Smith’s slap: “It’s a scary time to have an opinion”. – Media Patrollers

Оut dе tоutеѕ lеѕ ѕtаrѕ quі оnt аѕѕіѕté at lа Оѕсаrѕ in March last, Zо Кrаvіtz а been one of рluѕ vіrulеntѕ with regard to gіflе. Will Smith gave to Сhrіѕ Rосk. Dаnѕ ѕа tеntаtіvе dе рrоtесtіоn dе l’аrt, еllе а роѕté unе рhоtо dе lа rоbе qu’еllе роrtаіt lоrѕ dе l’événеmеnt, tоut еn nоtаnt … Read more

Fast & Furious: Michelle Rodriguez teases the future of the franchise (and it’s scary)

Fast Furious Michelle Rodriguez teases the future of the

Actress Michelle Rodriguez has an idea for the future of the franchise Fast & Furious after the 11th installment. And that’s not very reassuring. It’s scary enough (or heartbreaking, as you like) that the tenth installment of Fast & Furious is currently in production, but it is even more so to imagine that the saga … Read more