The voice actress of Harley Quinn assures that Mario should be Charles Martinet in the film

The voice actress of Harley Quinn assures that Mario should

let’s admit it, To this day it is a practically impossible task to separate Mario from the voice of Charles Martinetthe actor who has been playing him in video games for 25 years since we were able to hear him for the first time in Super Mario 64. Not surprisingly, Martinet, with his performance, is … Read more

Voice actress Tara Strong believes that Charles Martinet should be the voice of Mario in the movie – Nintenderos

Meta continues its expansion across Web 30 with the announcement

A message related to one of the most beloved franchises by nintenderos returns to us. It is indeed about Super Mario and the voice actors of the movie. Voice actors in the Mario movie You already know Nintendo has offered a Nintendo Direct of its film with the first teaser trailer of it, available in … Read more