Robert De Niro visitó Nápoles y mostró su devoción por Diego Maradona con un cariñoso gesto

Robert De Niro visito Napoles y mostro su devocion por

Robert De Niro visitó Nápoles y mostró su devoción por Diego Maradona con un cariñoso gesto – Créditos: @Reuters Italia es uno de los destinos favoritos de los famosos a la hora de vacacionar, y algunos tienen tanto aprecio por este país que hasta han fantaseado con la idea de mudarse allí. Tal es el … Read more

How was the day Jimena Barón discovered Daniel Osvaldo and Gianinna Maradona

The king of hedge funds justifies its bearish position in

the fight of Jimena Baron With her friend, Gianinna Maradona, it had several facets and in recent days it resurfaced, after the artist published “La Araña”, a new musical theme that seems to be dedicated to her. Now, in “LAM”, Yanina Latorre gave new information regarding the situation they experienced several years ago, due to … Read more

The funny anecdote of the day that Maluma called Diego Maradona to invite him to a video clip during the World Cup in Russia

1658476832 The funny anecdote of the day that Maluma called Diego

The day the singer called the soccer star to invite him to a video clip Diego Maradona He lives in the memory of the world of football for his wonders with the ball. And also for the thousands of anecdotes that the Argentine star starred in the years of his life. Precisely, during the last … Read more