Antenna 3 “loads” “Bitter Earth” from your grill: this is the series that will (almost certainly) take its place

Antenna 3 loads Bitter Earth from your grill this is

Farewell to “Bitter Earth”. The love story between Züleyha and Yilmaz The hours are counted on Antena 3. The channel has already broadcast 129 of the 140 episodes of the series, so if nothing strange happens, it will cease its broadcasts this month. Now all the fans of fiction are wondering which program will take … Read more

Maluma arrived in Argentina, visited a grill in the Palermo area and took photos with his fans

Maluma arrived in Argentina visited a grill in the Palermo

Maluma in Buenos Aires, throbbing his imminent show in Vélez and taking photos with his fans – Credits: @Patricio Cabral the colombian artist Maluma is already in Argentina. the singer, who will be presented on Saturday 29 at the Vélez Stadium was seen in the Palermo area at the exit of a well-known grill, and … Read more