“C to you”: Moment of embarrassment when Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine tries to kiss Jennifer Aniston

C to you Moment of embarrassment when Anne Elisabeth Lemoine tries

Wink. Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine received two distinguished guests on Wednesday evening on France 5. In “Yours, the sequel,” Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler promoted their upcoming movie, “Murder Mystery 2,” available March 31 on Netflix. But the two Americans had a little trouble with French customs. Read also TV “The Voice”: Zazie upset and moved to … Read more

Yuri and the embarrassment of the cockroach: even Thalía called her to find out what happened

Yuri and the embarrassment of the cockroach even Thalia called

Exists a video of Yuri that has gone viral. And before you guys say “uh, now what did he say against the LGBTQ+ community?”, he’s not going there (so far). Its about Tremendous scare that the Mexican singer had in full concert when a cockroach walked on her body. Aaaaay! Yuri is currently touring different … Read more