Who was the Milwaukee Murderer that inspires ‘Dahmer’, the new Netflix series?

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This Wednesday September 21 Netflix premieres ‘Monster. The Jeffrey Dahmer Story’, the new series of Ryan Murphy starring one of his fetish actors, Evan Peters. The creator of ‘Glee’, ‘halston’ Y ‘The Politicians’ He is an expert in immersing himself in the most gloomy stories, as he has shown in the different seasons of ‘American … Read more

Netflix, Ryan Murphy and Evan Peters bring a miniseries about the brutal murderer Jeffrey Dahmer

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Every creator has his fetish performers. In the case of the prolific Ryan Murphyone of them is without a doubt Evan Petersas reflected in his successive collaborations in American Horror Story. They both meet in Monster. The Jeffrey Dahmer Story miniseries Netflix about the brutal serial killer American, production of which these days there is … Read more