‘Bullet Train’, great action black comedy with charismatic characters

Mark Zuckerberg thinks there are people who shouldnt be working

Bullet Train is a work with an overwhelming visual sense that is based on a novel: Bullet train, by Japanese Kotaro Isaka, published in 2020 and edited in Spain by Destino. A black comedy that only seems to pretend to be a refreshing passing entertainment around violence and revenge, but whose dialogues and structure show … Read more

What to see in ‘streaming’: before ‘The invisible agent’ Chris Evans already played a charismatic villain in this amazing cult film

3 facts you didnt know about Benedict Cumberbatchs Lamborghini

Despite often being the hero, like in the Captain America movies, the actor has often been on the other side of the fight, like in the terrific ‘Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.’ An amazing film from one of the most ingenious and fun filmmakers of this century, who overflows with passion for video games and … Read more