This is Shakira’s emotional SONG with which Belinda paid tribute to her | VIDEO

Belinda surprised locals and strangers with his particular interpretation of a song of Shakiraknow with which of all the great lyrics of her repertoire was how the Mexican interpreter rendered tribute to one of the greatest Latin American singers of all time with this video in which ‘la boba nina nice’ was caught singing the song of the Barranquilla-born girl to the delight of all her fans.

With the video this song you will notice that Belinda is a big fan of Shakira Well, she knows the theme perfectly and sang it in a very peculiar way, imprinting her singing style and ending up giving a magical moment thanks to the talent of both singers.

We would like to say thanks to the author of this short article for this incredible content

This is Shakira’s emotional SONG with which Belinda paid tribute to her | VIDEO