“The Vistalegre effect” continues: “Mom, I want to go to all the Hakuna concerts there are”

He was returning from Vistalegre after the massive Hakuna concert chewing on a headline for this text and when he got home he had already decided: “Hurricane Hakuna” would have been the most appropriate and the most descriptive. Appropriate, because Huracán is the title of his latest hit, a song that has been among the 30 most listened to songs on Spotify in recent weeks; and descriptive, because from Hakuna’s songs emerges an inner hurricane that leaves nothing as it was.

However, on Sunday morning, my six-year-old daughter, Lucía, changed the headline for me. She unknowingly gave me the best news a parent can receive. He didn’t tell me, but her mother, my wife, who is the one who tarres her and the other children every day in the van, on the way to school, with the catchy and harmonic songs of Hakuna Music Group. splashes them with U2Itchy, some of Coldplay and many of the uncle Bruce. And in between, well, what if “Turn me on”, that if mercy, that one with “matches”…, yes man, that we’re all one…. “It’s called fooooofos”… Well that one!

Lucia, as I say, is six years old. We offered to come to the concert for both her and her brother Santi hers, 7. But Santi passes. His mother says that he is a bit clueless. I think what happens is that he is, like me, a bit bohemian and we need our times… But Lucía signed up from the first moment. It’s a throw. For her, going with her parents to a Hakuna concert, the real ones, was an adventure. I was hesitant because she thought she was a little too small to endure an event of about two hours and not wanting to leave before she finished. The middle part of the show was a little ballsy for her, but she eventually recovered with some of the songs she knew best. I told my wife that at least I would always remember: his first concert, with dad and mom, Hakuna’s. That alone would deserve this text, but there is more… much more.

Hakuna The last hit of Hakuna has sneaked into the 30 songs most heard from Spotify.

The surprise was huge when on Sunday morning, already rested and having digested the big party we had given her, with eyes like fireflies and the smile of an absolutely happy girl, she said: “Mom, I I want to go to all Hakuna concerts there is”. He didn’t say I want to go to all the Rosalía concerts there is, or to all the Dua Lipa concerts there is. No. He said “to all the Hakuna concerts there is”, and I will remind him all his life “Those of you without children have no idea what your six-year-old daughter’s wish means, but I could rip my arm off for her, bite a live horse to feed it. Take a kidney, liver and whatnot.” do missing just to see her smile, happy, cheerful and close to God. Enjoying God. Thanks to you, fulfilling his wish is going to be less dramatic than gouging out my eyes. It will be enough to take out the tickets again.

Jesús and his wife took little Lucía to a concert that they will always remember.

Jesús and his wife took little Lucía to a concert that they will always remember. The Hakuna group presented this Saturday, at Madrid’s Vistalegre bullring, their new album, ‘Qaos’.

Yesterday, at times, in the morning, I heard her sing lyrics at home about Mercy and things like that. And now is when I go to the heart of what we have lived Maria, Lucia and me last Saturday. Dear Hakuna Boys, When you’re a parent and you hear your six-year-old daughter sing “Turn me on and let me be your light,” your heart bursts. It explodes silently at you, like a depth charge that apparently illuminates nothing, but illuminates everything. gives you hopegives you comfort and makes you want to continue fighting this war that we live in this world, because you realize that you have met and found some allies.

You already know, surely, that in my house the sursum corda of music is Bruce Springsteen. My musical dream, ever since I became a father, is… was… that my children’s first concert, to which they would go with me, would be one of the bossa difficult objective because the musician from New Jersey is 72 years old and I don’t know if we will manage to match his dates and ours… But I have to tell you that that dream, at least with Lucía, has not been truncated, but has been overcome. To see his amazed eyes, his rhythm dancing, his lips moving humming your lyrics and clapping his hands, and, above all, his joy while receiving verses inspired by the Holy Spirit, for parents like us who have already known the Lord and who our The only objective in this life is to facilitate that unique meeting of our children and God, see what I have told you, it is the greatest joy, the best of surprises, the newest of illusions. So, thank you. For your yes, for your courage, for your presence.

As Juan Cadarso has already left an exact and brilliant chronicle, now I prefer to put aside the facts to focus on the intangible, on what is deeper inside. And for this I am going to talk about two songs. I’ve heard a lot of Hakuna’s repertoire and it’s full of good songs, some very good; let’s say few are the discards. But there are two songs that stand out from the adjective of good and that in their composition and authorship something has fully entered that makes the difference, which distinguishes something very good from a masterpiece: genius… Taking my idols as an example, and sorry for the age difference, in the discography of Dire Straitsfor example, there are dozens of great songs: sultans of swing, tunnel of love, rock solid, brothers in arms… However, in between a wide and varied discography, on the album Love over Gold from 1983, Mark Knopfleralma mater of the group, gets off the hook with a song lasting more than 10 minutes that doesn’t go with anything: changing rhythms, loose guitar riffs, flute solos… It’s called telegraph road and it is a masterpiece, the best song among all the Dire Straits. The same goes for Bruce Springsteen. The more than 100 recorded songs of his are all very good, but there is one that is masterful, eternal, that will never go out of style. is located on the disk born to runfrom 1978, and is titled Thunder Road. This song is the history of America. The dream sought by the hand of your girl. The final stanza of it, “this is a town of losers, and we got out of here to win”, is the cry that every young person in the world carries inside.

Well, Hakuna has her telegraph road and his thunder road. that song is Night. Night that’s it. Night contains everything. My everything and yours. Night contains the All. Night contains The Old Testament. The surprise and drama of Genesis, soul and sin; Abraham’s bewilderment -get out of your land-. The Wisdom of the Proverbs, the praise of the Psalms, the cry of the Laments, the weakness of the prophets -I’m just a boy- along with his faith and his strength. The courage of kings like David mixed with his sin with Bathsheba, the intuition of women like Deborah, Judith’s determination by killing Olofernes with a sword blow. Night contains all of this, but with music and in six minutes. Any Biblicist will shake me for having written this, and they are within their rights, but the vast majority of the world today never reads the Bible and yet they do have a premium subscription to Spotify.

Night contains the New Testament sung to the rhythm of drums and bass and to the sound of electric guitars. Night contain that god, a whole God, who becomes a man, just a man. His birth, his persecution, his Good News, his torture and murder sung in the sins and miseries of every man today, of every town, of every neighborhood, of my city and yours and all the others. If Saint John of the Cross sang verses to the darkness of his night, the Night of Hakuna sings to the light hidden in the heart of every man, there where his miseries, my miseries, can only be loved by God: that the Kyrie Elison is shouted by a choir of 8,000 people, is the most palpable confirmation that God keeps crying out to his children because he dies of love. Because he lives on love. Because she “loves you without you being able to do anything so serious that she loves you less”, says Lola, the girl who sings it.

God loves me in my misery. in my night In my sin. And loving me, as this song teaches me, there is a hope, a light and a way to make new all the worst situations imaginable and real not that they can exist, but that they exist: The mercy of God. Kyrie Eleyson. Be merciful. Whose? From my! That I am not able to improve without your help, without your gaze, without your encouragement, without your grace… and without your music.

The other song I want to talk about is the one I was going to headline: Hurricane. He put my wife in the van a few weeks ago. I asked him to play it again about three times in a row. Yes Night is The Bible in pop song format, Hurricane It’s me and my first encounter with the Lord. But fundamentally, it’s me. I spent years looking for God, shooting blind, disenchanting and going, therefore, where my soul could not be satisfied. I’m not going to tell you about my life here, but I remember the day a hurricane broke the sky from my throat screaming where it was when I needed it. I was walking down the street and passed by the parish of Santa Adela, in the neighborhood of Canillas. I entered and there was adoration, the Blessed Sacrament was exposed in the monstrance, in the middle of the altar. I knelt down and yelled at him from within: “What are you doing? If you had the real face, the real body, I would grab you right now by the front of your tunic and rip it off yelling in your face: What are you doing? Why don’t you do something now?” ?”. That same night, in the most unpredictable way, God happened. That’s why Hurricane talks to me about me, and I know, about all of you too. He tells me about a God that is very far from the one I was taught as a child and, therefore, that is very, very close to me.

My children protest me. They cry and kick when they don’t get what they think they need from me. Hurricane confirms to me that I have someone to kick. That I can yell at my Heavenly Father because He knows my need and my pain, my sufferings and my limit. Yes Night it is a whole catechesis in itself, Hurricane it is liberating. And therefore necessary.

Here you can see the video of the Hakuna concert this Saturday.

Hurricane it’s so true that healthy without intending it, just being. He amuses me, because recently he told a group of people: “God has given me everything in life. Everything, except one thing: Explanations.” And it is true, God does not give explanations. Yes he gives clues, and your you have to follow them. I, who do not belong to Hakuna, who have no idea who wrote these lyrics and probably have never spoken to him in our lives, I saw in this song precisely this same idea. That they and I – we! – have promised to continue without understanding, because we have the same echo in the depths, which pushes us towards Him.

To all the readers of this text, don’t stop listening to Hakuna’s songs. Give them a chance and you will receive a gale of grace, I am sure. And to the guys from Hakuna, don’t stop singing. Don’t stop dancing. Never, never, never, never let to adore. I already give thanks for you. We will see each other again, because my six-year-old daughter Lucía wants to go “to all the Hakuna concerts there are”. Even if she cost me an arm.

We wish to give thanks to the author of this article for this amazing web content

“The Vistalegre effect” continues: “Mom, I want to go to all the Hakuna concerts there are”