Ricardo Moreno: «The good thing about doing branding at a music festival is that you can be disruptive, get out of the comfort zone»

Ricardo Moreno is the CEO of The Show Must Go Ona Riojan brand consultancy that carries out a branding original and disruptive for national and international clients. We talked to him about branding around a festival and many other issues related to the way he works.

One of the things that the pandemic has taught us is that value can be created from the supposed periphery. Big cities are no longer the absolute focus of creativity and there are more and more agencies that are capable of demonstrating it. An obvious case is The Show Must Go On (TSMGO)a brand consultant shop that from Logroño competes face to face with the largest in the world. Proof of this is that they have just delivered two projects of packaging in Peru and Korea and now they are immersed in two commissions from the United States and France. But they also have a wide portfolio of clients nationwide. San Miguel, Hojiblanca, Estrella Galicia or the DOCa Rioja are just a sample of its most representative clients.

Six years ago they launched with MUWI, the now well-established music festival, something that emerged with a simple lineup but has quickly become a national reference in the world of music and gastronomy. This event allows them to experiment with what they do best: branding. In fact, not only is their visual identity rich and attractive, but they also have a wide range that combines experiences that make brand development one of the pillars of the event.

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The founder of TSMGO is Ricardo Moreno. After working in management positions in companies from different sectors, in 2009 he decided to launch himself into the exciting world of creativity. Since then, his career has been advancing in a direction marked by the ambition to create value for brands and entities with quality such as GPS, a real creative challenge at a time when visuals were not a priority for almost anyone. It did not take him long to open a gap and become a reference. We have had the opportunity to speak with him about the MUWIthe recent phenomenon of designing from the periphery or about its way of doing packaginga sector in which they have just received a Pentaward award at the Pentawards 2022.

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Ricardo Moreno, The Show Must Go On. Photo by James Sturcke | sturcke.org

the branding As a life form

Our focus and where we move more comfortably is in the branding. It is not only that we are more comfortable, but I also think that we contribute. I am referring above all to the creation of brands from scratch, from naming to positioning, tone of voice or adaptation to the platform. Then we take it to the visual part and to the graphic part.

They are projects in principle of small and medium format that require a more shop, to put it in some way, to put it in some way. Although there are clients such as the DOCa Rioja or Kaiku in which we are working on projects with an international dimension. Specifically, with the DOCa Rioja we are working with the new brand positioning, for which we have added sister companies to the work team, such as Morillas, with whom we frequently collaborate.

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Ricardo Moreno: «The good thing about doing branding at a music festival is that you can be disruptive, get out of the comfort zone»