Program July 14 San Fermín 2022, today’s concerts, fireworks and more activities


San Fermin 2022


The San Fermín festivities come to an end, the first since 2019, and they do so, as always, with ‘Pobre de Mí’. But first, there is still much to do.

Euskaraz irakurri: San Fermin 2022: uztailaren 14ko egitaraua, gaurko kontzertuak, their artifizialak eta ekitaldi gehiago

Tonight, like every July 14, we will bid farewell to Sanfermines 2022 with ‘Pobre de Mí’. But let’s see everything there is until then, which is still a lot.

– 06:45 hours: targets (from Market Street)

– 08:00 hours: eighth lockdown with Miura bulls

– 09:30 hours: Giants and big headeds (departure of the comparsa from Palacio de Ezpeleta)

– 10:45 a.m.: Octave of San Fermin (Church of San Lorenzo)

– 11:00 a.m.: Sports and recreational space SPORT Kids (Half Moon Park Moats)

– 11:10 a.m.: child activity (San Francisco Square)

– 11:30 a.m.:

· Children’s activities Nice parties! (Liberty Square)

· Children’s play area gameregame (in the Larraina area of ​​the Taconera Park)

– 12:00 hours:

· street music (exit from Avenida Carlos III and Descalzos)

· “Sounds like a jot” with Navarre Voices (Sarasate Walk)

· Herri-kirolak (Plaza of the Fueros). Navarrese Championship of Aizkora of 3ª Category (elimination). Navarro Championship of Txinga-Erute. Bale Throwing Exhibition.

– 1:00 p.m.:

· Bands (Cross Square)

· Farewell to the troupe of giants and big heads (Town Hall Square)

– 5:30 p.m.:

· Parade of Knights, mulillas and music band (from the Plaza Consistorial to the Plaza de Toros)

· Children’s play area gameregame (in the Larraina area of ​​the Taconera Park)

– 6:00 p.m.:

· Children’s activities Nice parties! (Liberty Square)

· Sports and recreational space SPORT Kids (Half Moon Park Moats)

· Kalejira of Cultures 2022 (exit from Calle Descalzos to Plaza del Castillo)

– 6:30 p.m.: eighth run of the Bull Fair (Plaza de Toros)

– 7:00 p.m.:

· Bertsolaris (Sarasate Walk). Alaia Martin, Amets Arzallus, Julio Soto and Saioa Alkaiza.

· Young zone (Square of the Fueros)

Vervain with Macro Disco Mozart (Promenade of Antoniutti)

· Cabaret (Civivox Constable)

– 8:00 p.m.:

· Puppets and marionettes (Liberty Square)

Vervain with mariachis (Cross Square)

– 8:30 p.m.: street music (exit from Avenida Carlos III)

– 9:00 p.m.: danceable with bagpipes and txistu (Plaza del Castillo)

– 9:30 p.m.: Young zone (Square of the Fueros)

– 9:45 p.m.: fire bull (Cuesta de Santo Domingo, Plaza Consistorial and Calle Nueva)

– 10:00 p.m.: street music (departure from Plaza San Francisco)

– 11:00 p.m.: XXI San Fermín International Fireworks Contest. Signature Fires (Citadel)

– 24:00 hours: Poor me! Final act of the festivities (Plaza Consistorial)

Attention to the complete program of the festivities of San Fermín 2022.

We wish to thank the author of this write-up for this remarkable material

Program July 14 San Fermín 2022, today’s concerts, fireworks and more activities