Kirk Hammett Reveals His Favorite Metallica Album: “I’m Amazed How Good It Sounds” –

April 1, 2023 12:59 pm Posted by Writing –

It is always curious to know the works that musicians consider their favorites within their career, since sometimes they do not usually coincide with the tastes of the general public. a few days ago, Tuomas Holopainen ranked Nightwish’s albums from least to most according to what you think and now the guitarist kirk hammett discover us your favorite album of metallica and among the reasons that explain this choice, he highlighted “how good it sounds”.

Hammett made these statements to the magazine Rock Candy in a special in which a cornerstone of those in San Francisco was addressed as ‘Master of Puppets’ of 1986. These were his words: “We weren’t trying to make a record that 35 years or more later people would hear and still think it sounded good. Actually, we don’t plan to do anything concrete. We just tried to make the best album possible and that’s what came out.”.

There was one aspect in particular that the guitarist was quite satisfied with: “From a technical point of view, when I listen to the record, I’m amazed at how good it sounds long after its release. The recording of the album, the songs, the production… Everything is still holding up.”

Hammett He is clear about his preference:Much of the music from that era now sounds the same or similar, but there’s nothing on ‘Master of Puppets’ that alludes to a specific period, either in terms of sound, production or recording. ‘Master of Puppets’ is my favorite of all the albums we’ve made.

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A piece of news that is especially relevant for April 14, the scheduled date for the release of his new work ’72 Seasons’. It is necessary to remember that one day before will take place a theatrical release around the world with videos that have been made of the twelve songs on the album and presentations prepared by the members of metallica.

2024 will return the band to our country, with the two appointments that will take place on July 12 and 14 in it Madrid Metropolitan Stadiumwith architects and Mammoth WVH on the first day and Five Finger Death Punch and Ice Nine Kills in the second. Tickets are on sale at and


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Kirk Hammett Reveals His Favorite Metallica Album: “I’m Amazed How Good It Sounds” –