Hertzainak announces a second performance at the BEC on December 17

As expected, the return of the legendary Hertzainak with two performances at the BEC and Gasteiz to close his career he has exceeded all expectations, since the 16,000 tickets put on sale for the recital on December 16 at the Bizkaia Arena in Barakaldo have sold out. The group has chosen to offer another concert the following day, the 17th, whose tickets are already on sale on the group’s website.

Hertzainak will double at the BEC with thisto a new date, December 17, and the place and capacity are still unknownor the space where they will perform in Gasteiz, in January. In the case of their farewell recital in Bilbao, they have managed to sell out the 16,000 tickets put up for sale in record time, so they have chosen to offer another concert the following day. Tickets are already on sale on the same website: www.hertzainak.eus. The band, made up of Gari (vocals), Josu Zabala (triki and possible bass) and drummer Txanpi, assures that “we don’t want to exclude anyone and we don’t want to leave anyone without saying hello”.

Both in the case of the BEC and Gasteiz recitals, Hertzainak will be surrounded by “creators of several generations”, as they have just confirmed. The decision to regroup the band for the definitive agur has its origin in “the experience lived” in the concerts they offered in Bilbao, at the Kafe Antzokia and the Palacio Euskalduna, before the pandemic.

“Once finished, we put on the table to conclude the project, which emerged from improvisation, with a tour of the capitals of Euskal Herria and always with its clear and defined end in Gasteiz, where it all began. Now, due to market economy and being pragmatic, we will repeat in Bilbao and play in Gasteiz, where it was non-negotiable to finish”, Gari explained to DEIA.


Azkena Gure Alde

Gure azkena euskaraz kantatzeko hautua egin genuenon alde

Gure azkena euskarazko kantagintza zaindu duzuenon alde

Gure azkena euskarazko sortzaile eta zaleon alde

Gure azkena euskarazko kulturgintza sustatzen dugunon alde

Gure azkena eta hurrengoa euskaraz sortzeko hautua egingo dutenen alde

Hertzainak jaio eta Hertzainak bukatu

Bizitzeko erremediorik ez digu inork asmatu,

geuk asmatu genituen eta berriak

ondorengoek asmatuko dituzte

The last in our favor

In favor of those of us who choose to sing our last in Basque

Our last song in Basque in favor of those who have taken care of it

Our latest support for Basque creators and fans

Our latest commitment to culture in Basque

In favor of those who choose to create our last and next one in Basque

Hertzainak jaio eta Hertzainak amaitu

No one has invented the remedy for us to live,

We invented them and the new ones.

They will be invented by the descendants

We want to give thanks to the author of this post for this incredible material

Hertzainak announces a second performance at the BEC on December 17