Top Gun: Maverick surpassed Titanic as Paramount’s highest-grossing release

Top Gun: Maverick
Photo: Paramount Pictures

The movie Top Gun: Maverick surpassed this Wednesday titanica as the highest grossing premiere in the history of Paramount Pictures studios in the United States.

For the moment, the film starring Tom Cruise has managed to pocket 601.9 million dollars in American theaters compared to 600.7 that it collected titanica in 1997, according to data from the specialized portal Box Mojo Office.

While is true that titanica It has been re-released on subsequent occasions and, if the accumulated billing is taken into account, it would reach 659.3 million dollars.

This cinema classic that is now 25 years old is listed as the third most successful film in history with a total gross of 2.2 billion dollars worldwide.

Top Gun: Maverick continues to make an impact

For its part, the second installment of top gun It already has 1,190 million dollars in global billing since it was released on May 27.

The impact of Top Gun: Maverick Among his fans and in the dedicated Hollywood press it has been such that the film still draws a good number of viewers to theaters on a weekly basis. Experts wonder if it has marked a turning point in the “return to normal” of the industry after the pandemic.

And it is that the interest of the viewers in this film did not fall despite the fact that the premiere was scheduled for 2019 and the covid-19 threw these plans overboard and disrupted the initial date.

Top Gun: Maverick continues to break records, after earlier in June it also became the highest-grossing film of Tom Cruise’s career in the United States. Until then, the interpreter’s most lucrative film in that country had been War of the Worlds (2005).

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Top Gun: Maverick surpassed Titanic as Paramount’s highest-grossing release