They do not like it! Fans propose changes to Mario’s design for his movie | LevelUp

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In general, the movie trailer of Super Mario Bros. It was a success but it was not without controversy as fans questioned some details of the protagonist, like Chris Pratt’s voice which was nothing extraordinary, the absence of a butt in the character and currently the claim is in its design because they consider that it does not do justice to what the plumber has had in his recent era.

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Mario’s design continues to generate controversy after the premiere of the trailer

Mario’s design in the movie Super Mario Bros. It was quite a tough test for the production because it is an iconic character in the video game industry and since Super Mario Sunshine Y Super Smash Bros. Melee, fans got used to an art style and even his voice thanks to the work of Charles Martinet. After the premiere of the trailer, a group of followers shared their opinion on reddit (via The Gamer) and they considered that the design of the film shows a somewhat strange Mario, very cheeky and plump, which they consider far removed from what the character is in video games. From there, the community proposed changes to the character according to the elements that he has in the 3D installments that he has starred in these 2 decades.

Fans loved Bowser, now the concern is what will happen to Mario

Beyond the controversy, the result is positive because millions of people around the world watched the first trailer from the movie Super Mario Bros. Y many were delighted with Bowserwhose design is incredible and will be dubbed by Jack Black.

On the other hand, the community and even an actress assured that the character of Mario should be dubbed by Charles Martinetwho has voiced Nintendo’s plumber since the Nintendo 64 era. Here we show you the voice actors who were in charge of dubbing the trailer in its Latin versionalthough it is not something definitive and the cast may change in the coming months.

What do you think of the Mario design seen in the trailer?

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They do not like it! Fans propose changes to Mario’s design for his movie | LevelUp