The story behind ‘The Orphan’, a macabre crime in the Czech Republic

‘La Huérfana’ returned to the world billboard, and also to the interest of many. It is usual that in some horror movies the phrase ‘based on true events’ emphasize the first minutes of the tape, and in this case, the premiere of its origin has not been left behind.

Although the first part of the movie brought a lot of attention around the story that inspired the horror-thriller franchise, starring Isabelle Fuhrman, there are still many who do not know it. Until todaybecause we will tell you.

The true story of the movie ‘The Orphan’

To explain the original story, we must know the narrative that marks his film. The first part told the story of a marriage that adopts Estheran eight-year-old girl who is not really a minor, but a 33-year-old woman with mental disorders and hypopituitarism.

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Instead, the second part is based on how the woman devised the plan to escape from the Estonian psychiatric center to travel to the United States and pretend to be the missing daughter of an elite family.

both tapes They are inspired by a real event that happened in 2007 in the Czech Republic. The woman’s real name was Barbora Skrlová and, like the fictional charactersuffered from hypopituitarism, a disease that does not produce normal amounts of hormones, including growth hormones.

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barbora she still looked like an infant, and was admitted to a psychiatric aid institution due to showing psychopathic behaviors, but, like Esther, he escaped from the place, and used his illness to pass himself off as a girl.

Skrlová had her adopted. The case of the sisters Klara and Katherine Maurevá came to light and made his case known. Klara was studying Pedagogy and met her, that was the moment when she, in the middle of stories, explained that at the health center they mistreated her, so the professional decided to welcome her into her home.

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Klara had separated from the father of her children, so she had asked her sister Katherina to live with her. Barbora began to feel jealous of Klara’s children, and blamed them for events that she orchestrated.

There was no break the woman manipulated women into joining a religious sect called ‘The Grail Movement’. She was part of the cult in which her leader ‘The Doctor’, persuaded the faithful of her through text messages promoting cannibalism and more.

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Skrlová’s level of manipulation reached extraordinary levels. Klara sent to build a cage in his basement, where he locked his children to be victims of various abuses.

The scene was discovered by one of his neighbors, who intercepted the signal from the cameras that Barbora had installed in the basement by coincidence – they also had cameras to take care of their children.

The authorities became aware of the case, the children were found in deplorable conditions, in addition to a girl who was not part of the family. One of the brothers passed away, and the other was able to offer her testimony. At trial, both sisters admitted the facts, and Barbora escaped, traveled to Norway.

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The woman gained weighthe cut his hair and posed as a 14-year-old teenager whom he nicknamed ‘Adam’, found another family but her behavior the educational institution she attended betrayed her.

Teachers raised alerts by the time he disappeared again, but at that time the Czech police issued an international arrest warrant.

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Barbora was arrested, received a five-year sentence for being the intellectual author of the events, Klara sentenced to 12 years in prison and Katherina to 10 years.

Nevertheless, in february 2012 the woman suffering from hypopituitarism was released, after appealing and for “good behavior”. Nowadays his whereabouts are unknown.

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The story behind ‘The Orphan’, a macabre crime in the Czech Republic