The most daring scene between Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal on the screen

Anne Hathaway She is one of the best known actresses in cinema. Her career on the big screen dates back to 2001, when she starred in the popular adaptation of The princess’s Diary. Some years later it would princess diary 2However, Anne quickly left behind the innocent princess Mia to adopt more mature roles.

This is how your papers would arrive in Brokeback Mountain (2005), The Devil Wears Prada (2006), War of brides (2009) and many more. In 2013 she won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress for her role in The Miserablesadaptation in which he shared the screen with Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Eddie Redmayne and Amanda Seyfried.

We would love to give thanks to the author of this post for this awesome material

The most daring scene between Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal on the screen