Six curiosities about Bárbaro, the horror thriller that is revolutionizing cinema

The horror movies It is one of the favorite genres of viewers, but in which fewer quality stories are found. The truth is that to scare you only need a victim, a villain, screams and prop blood; but “Barbarian” I take this concept a little further with a pretty simple but effective story and full of nods to horror classics.

The film follows a Tess (Georgina Campbell), who travels to Detroit for a job interview and books lodging in the city. When she arrives late at night, she discovers that the house has been reserved for two people. simultaneously and that there is a stranger staying there (Bill Skarsgård). Against her own common sense, she decides to stay the night, soon discovering that there is much more to fear than the presence of an unexpected guest.

We want to give thanks to the writer of this post for this amazing material

Six curiosities about Bárbaro, the horror thriller that is revolutionizing cinema