Netflix: the drama and romance movie that lasts 109 minutes and is the most watched

Passion, romance and drama, all of this combined with a captivating production that lasts less than two hours and is one of the movies of the moment Netflix. We talk about “Dangerous relationships”one of the premieres that July brought to the streaming platform and that has everything to be a movie that you can’t stop watching, even if you don’t usually enjoy this genre.

“Dangerous relationships” is a French remake of the film of the same name -although American- that was released in 1988. In fact, the first film and the one recently released in Netflix they have something else in common: both are a film adaptation of the novel written in the form of letters “Dangerous Liaisons”, which was published in the 17th century.

We would love to give thanks to the writer of this short article for this incredible material

Netflix: the drama and romance movie that lasts 109 minutes and is the most watched