According to science, this is how dinosaurs sounded: nothing to do with the roars of Jurassic Park

in the saga of Jurassicpark, the dinosaurs sounded in a terrifying way, with fearsome roars. But science says the actual sound has nothing to do with what you hear in the movies.

We have the image of a formidable T. Rex roaring at full throttle, with impressive power.

The reality, most likely, was different.

It is difficult to know what the dinosaurs sounded like, since the fossils found do not provide elements to study it. But science gives a real clue about it: the current descendants.

The Vox Portal talked to the paleontologist Michael Habib for the Unexplainable podcast. “Most of the sound-producing structures are soft tissues or less resistant hard tissues,” says the scientist. “It’s muscle and cartilage, and those tend not to fossilize.”

The most promising tracks they are the relatives of the dinosaurs that are still alive.

“We have to do the best we can,” says Habib, pointing to crocodiles, which share a common ancestor with dinosaurs that lived 250 million years ago.

“(The crocodiles) will rumble so loudly that you will see ripples around them in the water. They are basically shaking the pond”, explains the scientist. And so the dinosaurs must have sounded.

The sound of birds and that of dinosaurs, are they possibly similar? this says science

There are other animals, such as birds, that are also direct descendants of those rulers of the ancient stages of the planet.

According to the paleontologist Julia Clarke, in a talk with the BBC, it is quite possible that the sound structures of birds have many elements of dinosaurs.

Birds have a single vocal organ, the syrinx, right next to the heart; while most vertebrates make sounds with their larynx, a vocal organ located in the throat.

clarke found a syrinx from 67 million years ago, and it was from an ancient relative of ducks, but not from a huge dinosaur. So that element also remained with the passage of time.

Michael Habib talks about the sound of a tuba, like a honk, the noise that some dinosaurs could make. “The bigger a dinosaur was, the weirder it would have sounded,” he speculates.

“Get two tubas. And ask them to play different notes, one on top of the other, as loud as they can”, considers the paleontologist. “Or sound like a cross between birds and crocodiles.”

To get an idea, a TikTok user made several comparisons between dinosaurs in movies and possible noises in real life. The result is shocking.

We would like to give thanks to the writer of this post for this amazing material

According to science, this is how dinosaurs sounded: nothing to do with the roars of Jurassic Park