The metaverse ended up being a mockery against Zuckerberg within his own company

Mark Zuckerberg accumulates a list of numerous mistakes around Meta. (twitter)

The second quarter of this year became the period in which the great technology company created by Mark Zuckerberg registered monetary losses for the first time. But it has not been the only setback for the conglomerate, it is also the target of continuous accusations and reports of censorship against users ordered by the board of directors and on the other hand, the promise of being “the next version” of the internet through the change of name to “Goal”.

At that time – October 2021 – the creator of the company proudly showed what was to come: the metaverse with avatars that navigated between virtual worlds, went to real concerts in the form of holograms, met with friends, shopped in stores and would become so to speak in a life “parallel” to the real one. Skepticism appeared because of how invasive the businessman’s project looked.

But reality seems to have overtaken Mark Zuckerberg, also showing him that he cannot be immersed in everything: in politics through the alleged donation to influence electoral offices and in technology, creating a new digital world. Proof of that is the ridicule he is receiving among his own employees.

“Make Mark Happy”

That is the phrase that is heard in the offices of Meta. The New York Times revealed that staff complain of high job turnover as Zuckerberg “shifts his priorities.” The article titled “Skepticism, Confusion, and Frustration: The Struggles of Mark Zuckerberg’s Metaverse”Lets see what happens behind the scenes.

According to the text, employees use the acronym “MMH” (make mark happy) to refer to key projects in the metaverse. Still, spokesmen are at pains to dismiss it. Andy Stone, one of them, assured that “being a cynic about new and innovative technology is easy”. But he also acknowledged that “building it is much more difficult, but that’s what we’re doing because we believe the metaverse is the future of computing.”

This is how things are going inside one of the largest technology companies in the world, if not the first. With problems from the beginning of that “great project” that until now seem like an obstacle to the long-awaited parallel world that Zuckerberg plans to create. Meanwhile, he continues to censor. The most controversial evidence is the article that silenced the platform about the laptop Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, and which contained controversial files that ranged from photos with prostitutes and drug use, to emails for shady deals with foreign companies. This October 10 it transpired that FBI agents who informed Facebook about Hunter’s story are Democratic donors, published The Washington Free Bacon.

Flagship project ‘not attractive’

Horizon Worlds is Meta’s flagship VR game. Its performance is another sign of the company’s path: it has bugs and few users play it. Consequently, they had to apply “quality lock” for the rest of the year while the app is updated. In short, “it is not attractive even for the company’s employees,” he said. TheVerge after accessing internal documents. Another blunder for Mark.

Here again the role of the employees comes in, since they are being pressured to use the game at least once a week and to make sure of that they will follow up with managers from different areas. Vishal Shah, the vice president in charge of the metaverse division wrote in an internal forum about his disappointment due to the small number of staff using the app. “Many of us don’t spend that much time at Horizon and our dogfooding boards show that pretty clearly,” he wrote.

That is to say, the company swims in a sea of ​​indifference, not only due to the disinterest of its employees, but also of the public.

We would like to give thanks to the author of this short article for this awesome material

The metaverse ended up being a mockery against Zuckerberg within his own company