Instagram wants to compete with Google Maps and creates its own map

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Users will be able to access the map from two different places in the app:

  • Touch the location tags in Feed or Stories posts.
  • Search for a city, neighborhood, or place name in Explore. Seeking hashtags it is also available for local hashtags.

How the Instagram map works

Although this tool will try to compete with Google Maps, the Instagram map doesn’t work exactly the same.

The interface resembles that of Google: it will be possible to navigate through the map, where the user will have the tool to move to any part of the world. To make use of your location and see posts related to your area, you will have to click on the button in the upper right to locate you.

The map will consist of bubbles that will include posts in the form of photos such as states of businesses and nearby establishments. You can also save these places in a favorites list, and you can modify the view to search the sites in question as a list.

How to buy products from an Instagram chat

Another of the updates that Instagram developed these days for its users is also related to purchases: will change their chats so you can make purchases directly.

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Meta-filtered chats showing how the new tool will work.

Meta-filtered chats showing how the new tool will work.

The company officially announced the new trailer on the official Meta site: “We want to help people start conversations with the companies they care about and help them find and buy products they love in an easy and seamless experiencedirectly from the chat thread.”

In the same chat thread, users they will be able to do follow up on your order and also ask any questions to the company responsible for the product.

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Instagram wants to compete with Google Maps and creates its own map