Bill Gates says how we can help the planet against climate change

Bill Gates He has managed to not only be remembered for his work at Microsoft, revolutionizing personal computers, but has also become one of the biggest voices against the climate changepromoting policies that combat this phenomenon, and taking charge of investing in technologies that in the future can reduce the need for those that are currently having a massive impact on the environment, with effects that are felt throughout the world, mainly in the low-income countries (which he also supports with his philanthropic work).

With this, it is not surprising that many of the questions that came up in his most recent AskMeAnything on Reddit spoke about him climate change and their opinions on the fight against this phenomenon.

One of the most direct, simply said: “The weather: are we screwed or super-screwed?”. Gates he took the time to answer the question, stating: “It is important to think that life in poor countries is difficult. There are parts of the world where more than 10% of children die before the age of 5 and more than 30% are malnourished so their brains and bodies do not fully develop. The weather will reduce the progress we have in improving the human condition, but I still believe that we can avoid a terrible outcome. The pace of innovation is really picking up although we won’t be able to avoid increasing temperatures by 1.5 in the expected time.”

This is the opinion of the philanthropist.

Alex Wong/Getty Images

How to act?

Considering the impact that the climate change, many may think that there is not much that can be done individually to reduce it. Nevertheless, Gates he addressed this point by pointing out the way we can take action, even if it doesn’t feel big. “You are a voter, a consumer, a giver, and a worker. In each of those roles you can help. Buying an electric car helps. There will be options to pay a little more to offset your travel emissions (I do this for all my and my family’s emissions). We need to support the climate from both parties in the United States and in all countries, ”he said. “To stay hopeful is a good deed.”

In general, it doesn’t sound complicated at all, but the truth is that small actions can be adopted by more and more people, leading to another lifestyle. The move towards electric cars is a case in point. In the case of veganism, Bill Gates points out that this may be the option for some but not all will be able to follow it, however, in the future there will be technologies that can generate food reducing the current impact of the industry.

We want to give thanks to the author of this post for this outstanding material

Bill Gates says how we can help the planet against climate change